Judul Karya: Buku Learn to be a reliable self-taught keyboardist oleh Yakobus Patrick Martanto

Nama : Yakobus Patrick Martanto

Umur : 14

Jenjang: SMP (Paket B)

Kota : Bandung

Kategori : Umum

Deskripsi :

“A very practical book to learn how to play popular music; Written
systematically by a young talented musician, Yakobus Patrick Martanto,
based on his experience in studying music.
The contents of this book show his brilliant thinking as he learned and

practiced his skills in playing music, and it is very easy to follow(not long-
winded). I hope the his initiative to share knowledge will inspire many

readers.” – Iswargia R. Sudarno
Ever wanted to learn to play pop music fast, while still learning the
fundamentals of music in a practical way instead of skipping materials to
learn faster?
This book covers all knowledge that is needed to play popular music, that at
its peak is, reading lead sheet notation and improvising it on the spot.
What’s different about the approach offered in this book is that you will
learn to find chords and improvise them yourself, instead of just providing
guides and references of chords and improvisations.
This book also has entire chapters on rhythm and harmony, which is not
only two of the most important elements of music, but will help you to
understand music on a deeper level and therefore improvise better.
With that being said, you no longer need to memorize chords, and instead,
with the approach offered in this book, you can find chords to read lead
sheet notation systematically, and improvise using your own knowledge.